She’d snuck out under the cover of night, taking great pains to keep her departure smooth and silent. It was necessary; hers was a quest that she needed to undertake alone. She couldn’t risk endangering anyone else. No one should’ve noticed she’d left the castle. But she should’ve known better where Lucian was concerned. “You…
The darkness closed in on all sides, the twisted creatures who lurked within crouching just at the edges of the light emanating from Zaria’s blade, inky black eyes shining as they gazed hungrily at her. But they didn’t dare come any closer, not while she held a source of light in her hands. “Your companions…
“I love you.” The words hung between them, both a declaration and a question at the same time. A question that desperately awaited an answer. Arwan found himself holding his breath as he watched Corvina’s reaction. The female elf appeared to be locked someplace between shock and disbelief, staring at him like she’d never seen…
The pirates had struck under the cover of night, obviously hoping to catch their prey off guard. Even though the ship’s navigator had spotted the approaching vessel before it was upon them, the sailors had still only barely had enough time to mount a defensive before they were boarded. Arran had been hired by the…
“Who is she?” That was the question being asked all over the base following the arrival of a particular shuttle, carrying a most peculiar passenger: a soldier said to be out of her time, having been left in a stasis after being fatally wounded in a long-ago battle with the Ryxarri. Why she’d been awoken…
“I see you, assassin; there is no point in remaining in the shadows,” Alaric called into the darkness at the edges of the circular throne room. He stood up from the throne, grabbing the huge broadsword that leaned against its side. The instant it sensed his touch, the blade began to flare with red flame,…
“Aren’t you coming down for the feast?” Kyler asked from the doorway, forcing Arden’s thoughts from his silent brooding. “Not a soul has approached me without inquiring about you, leading me to believe that maybe your deeds have overshadowed my own.” He said it with a smile in his voice, clearly attempting to lighten the…